JR Farms
JR Farms is a third generation farm in the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains in upstate New York. We pride ourselves on raising a small select herd of Angus and Hereford cattle ensuring a stress free living environment. The cattle roam free year round on 100 acres of pasture. During the winter months the cattle are fed only naturally produced hay. All of the pastures and hayfields located on the farm are all natural. No pesticides or herbicides are used.
100% grass fed beef is lower in fat content than grain fed beef and it contains higher levels of Omega 3 “good fat” -not all fat is created equal.
A diet rich in Omega 3 fatty acids has been reported to prevent cancer in animals and slow the growth of existing cancer.
A sirloin steak from a grass fed steer has approximately one half to one third as much fat as a similar cut from a grain fed steer. In fact, grass fed beef has almost the same fat content as skinless chicken, wild deer or elk
100% grass diet produces a very lean beef cow that is “90-95% fat free” and is lower in calories. The average American eats 66.5 lbs of beef per year and switching to grass fed beef can save you over 17,000 calories per year – without requiring any will power or change in eating habits! If everything else in your diet remains constant, you will lose about 6 lbs per year!